
Terms and conditions of the service

DropShipping One is an online service offered by GateCommerce Ltd (35a Pleasant View - S72 8RZ Barnsley - South Yorkshire - United Kingdom).

The users to whom the services are addressed belong to the following categories:

The main service offered is to inform online sellers of the existence of suppliers of goods, without making any commercial intermediation or direct presentation action.

The data present on Dropshipping One were collected from various sources: public web pages, consultation of existing databases, newsletters, personal contacts, advice from partners and direct entry by the suppliers of the goods themselves. Due to the nature of the data and the way it is collected, Dropshipping One cannot guarantee the correctness of the same, but rather a constant commitment to improve the quality and completeness of such data.

Services for suppliers of goods

The suppliers of goods can register for the visibility service free of charge to online sales subscribers. After registration, the support team will carry out a consistency check of the card inserted, and if it does not detect any anomalies, it will proceed with the approval and contextual publication of the card in the database that can be consulted by all online sellers subscribing to the service.

In addition to the aforementioned free service, interested goods suppliers can optionally purchase additional visibility services or technical support, such as:

The details and conditions of the service relating to each of the services offered are described in the relevant purchase pages.

Services for online sellers

Online sellers can consult the public area of the DropShipping One site for free and then collect data on the suppliers of goods that have purchased the additional visibility service or those that DropShipping One has highlighted at its discretion.

In addition to the aforementioned free service, interested online sellers can optionally purchase full access to the database edited by DropShipping One, for the defined subscription time (1 year).

DropShipping One can also provide, directly or through a network of partners, technical services to support the sale of products on eCommerce sites and marketplaces.

The details and conditions relating to each of the services offered are described in the relevant purchase pages.

Services for all users

In the public area of the site it is possible to consult guides, reviews and other information useful for the professional growth and work organization of all those interested in the subject of drop shipping.

Last update: 03/29/2019

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